Hello! It’s my first blog post!

~Welcome~ to my coaching business: The one I’ve been doing everything in my power to avoid formally committing to! A THRILL! I’m here! That was so easy!!

Jk. Actually

In my truest of truths, all I’ve *been* doing for the past ten years (...more like 15 but we don’t need to split hairs here. The more years it is, the more I spiral) is formally committing to coaching for a living.

I was just scared to admit it until now. I had to take the scenic route. Then the burnout route. Then the traumatic route. Then a route headed in the totally opposite direction of where I knew deep down I’d end up.


I think that’s called…life? It was HARD! It still is hard! 

It’s so hard, that in October, I opened up my calculator while holding back tears in my kitchen to see how much income I’d make if I went back to coordinating weddings in 2025 instead of hitting publish today.

It was more than my projected stretch goal for Heather Davis, Inc. Even if I had 20 dream coaching clients, it wouldn’t make more money than if I had stayed fully in my first business.

…Not like I have anywhere near that kind of time in my calendar to coach 20 wedding professionals at once, even if I had that many leads! I’m a one woman show again, and damn do I fucking feel like one. I’m also a new mom with a DIY childcare plan. 

For all of my privilege (and I have a fuck ton), I’m still a mother with not enough time, resources, or energy to be capital H Heather capital D Davis: Fearless Force of Nature Who Can Do Anything And Also Look Good Doing It And Also Not Give A Shit About What You Think.

So whatever, I was crying in my kitchen (again), doing girl math, questioning if becoming a coach (again, again) was the right thing to do. Because it clearly was not the right profitable choice right now. Or possibly ever. At least for the next 12 months.

I texted my husband and ask him how much money he thinks I’d get if I sold my Honda. 

And then I saw the real truth: Not having a car in order to be a coach For Real This Time is more aligned for my ego, soul, and authentic self than having to coordinate another wedding. 

Girl math. <3

Within a week, a huge ass deer hit my Honda with his entire deer body on Rt. 65 after coming home from a coaching clients’ Halloween party. My car has been in the shop for almost two months. Still is! I’ve driven my rental car a total of two times: To therapy. (Both times lmfao)

So I hit publish anyway. And I still might have to sell my car. I have chosen my hard. 

This website, and the business it represents, is all of my (tarot) cards on the table. Read it and weep. I sure as fuck have!

All of this to say: Why is it so hard to claim what is so obviously and clearly meant for you? 

Why do we actively work against what we are called by whatever you want to believe in?

FYI: I’m really vibing with The Universe right now, because my mid-30s atheist ass was no match for the first year of motherhood let me TELL YOU.

Why are we so terrified to loudly and seriously commit? To go all in with our truest selves?


Here are My Fears About Coaching For a Living, in no particular order:

1) I’ve done this before and nearly lost everything. Including myself.

But I didn’t.

2) People I used to coach, the Pittsburgh wedding industry, and everyone I’ve formally and casually crossed paths with in life will judge me behind my back, and possibly to my face. 

Umm yeah they’re 100% already doing that lol! Might as well be myself.

3) I could fail. And in my heart of hearts, I don’t have a back up plan if it does. 

Yeah okay so…this is a lie. In my heart of hearts, I know it will not fail. And if I do, I will figure it out. But I won’t.

4) Everyone will see me. Like, the real me. 


So against all of my fears that I just talked myself out of, I’m coaching again. And that alone is a win. 

But don’t get this first blog post twisted: It’s still hard. Very hard. That’s life! 

What I’m here to coach you through is whatever hard you choose. Because it is yours alone to choose.

Capital H Heather Capital D Davis


I’m not the boss of you